• Journal of Investigative Oncology

JIO - Journal of Investigative Oncology - is a high-quality open access publication that deals with all aspects of oncology. JIO has been appearing  quarterly and is thus one of the best electronic journals with the uninterrupted publication since its foundation.

Plagiarism check: Authors of submitted papers give an explicit permission to plagiarism check of their submitted (and accepted) articles."

Duration of the review process: On average the review process takes 3-4 weeks, depending on revisions. If accepted, the authors will receive proofs in 2-3 weeks from the date of their official acceptance letter. The expected online publication date will be 4-7 weeks from the date of their acceptance, depending on how long the edits take.

JIO gratefully acknowledges the assistance and help of researchers who have contributed to the evaluation of submissions to our journal. SUBMIT via our online manuscript submission system. If you need assistance, please contact the journal office at editor.oncology@alliedhealthscience.org


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